Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm sorry...

For not picking up my phone yesterday. We were chilling at Jack Johnson.

More photos to come in a bit on the Reload website.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Nike update

Well peeps, the word is out, I didn't win.
I'm not sure what to think about it and I do find the outcome a bit strange, but I guess it probably just wasn't my day.
I do however want to thank you all again for voting for me.
I got over 300 votes, which is pretty amazing considering a lot of you especially registered for Facebook just to cast the vote. Big up to you guys!
And about the beers I promised, if you should see me tonight, come drink one with me. It's my birthday. :-)

Take care peeps!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

About that picture...

Checking out other people's photos is fun, at least it's something I like doing. I for a fact wake up watching photos before I go to uni, and every now and then go to bed with it as well. Maybe you like looking at other people's photos too, we could start a club... (It's a joke people.)

Anyway, having a story to go with a picture can make a great photo unforgettable, and that's where the guys of F-Stop Gear make their entry. The guys at F-Stop are the new kids on the block in camera-bag country and are really trying to add something to the community as well. They, for example, recently started their monthly newsletter for photographers, containing four great photos and the stories behind them.

Today, their second newsletter hit the shelves and I'm very honored to be a part of it, standing between the epic photos of the legendary ski photographer Grant Gunderson and the amazing Tim Keple (check out his recent movie - you've never seen anything like it.). And although I've never heard of him, Derek Diluzio also has a great photo in it.

You can download the newsletter here, and to view it online go here.