Tuesday, June 17, 2008

SOS! Help me out (of this country)!

For all the Dutchies who are reading this, I wrote you a few lines below.

So everybody, the UNIMAGINABLE happened to me last weekend!
Saturday I got an e-mail from Nike ACG, the outdoor all conditions gear department of Nike, telling that I'm one of the 5 finalists in their worldwide photo contest. (Truly, I had never expected this to happen and almost forgot about it!)

Anywho, Nike was offering talented(?) journalists, film makers and photographers a chance to team up with a few of their best riders and be part in the making of one of their Sweetspot movies. In short, a Nike team rider gets to choose the most perfect location (anywhere in the world) (s)he can imagine to make their ideal movie. A journalist, a few film makers and a photographer get to travel with the rider to it's perfect spot where the guys just wait for the perfect conditions to do the shoot. (Check out the site if you don't know what I'm talking about. ;-)) The winner of the competition gets to travel alongside a Nike team rider for a two week trip to Patagonia in South America to create next season's first Sweetspot movie.

The finals come down to the likings of a few industry judges, the Nike ACG pro athletes and public vote on the Nike Facebook Sweetspot Group!
Please cast a vote by adding this Nike Facebook voter (click) on to your Facebook page and help me out! I know it's a lot to ask to register to Facebook, but please do, it would mean the world to me! This would be the biggest achievement by far for me. Oh yeah, and please vote between the 20th of June and the 1st of July.

O, and please forward this e-mail to everybody you know and don't forget to tell your friends. :-)

I'm hoping for your help guys!

Cheers all,

For the Dutchies, Belgians, and maybe the Germans (not sure about that last one)

Ik ben dus ongelofelijk blij en overdonderd dat ik ben uitgekozen als één van de 5 finalisten voor de Nike ACG 'Join the Crew' fotowedstrijd (wereldwijd!). (Was het zelf al half vergeten dat ik er aan meegedaan heb.)

De winnaar van de wedstrijd mag samen met een Nike team rider, een filmploeg en een journalist (waar je die voor nodig hebt snap ik zelf ook niet) mee naar de ideale spot, deze keer ergens in Zuid-Amerika (twee weken lang), om daar mee te helpen aan een nieuwe Sweetspot film (check de Nike site).

De finale zelf bestaat uit de normering van een jury, de Nike ACG pro team rijders en vooral van you people! Ik wil jullie dus allemaal vragen om op mij te stemmen door de Nike Sweetspot voter (klik) op jullie Facebook pagina te zetten en op me te stemmen! (Please?! Krijg je een bier van me. ;-)) Dit is echt het allergrootste compliment dat ik ooit op mijn hobby gehad heb!
Ik weet ook dat bijna niemand Facebook gebruikt en Hyves veel hipper is, maar neem alsjeblieft de moeite! (Voor twee bier dan?)
Stemmen kan van 20 juni tot 1 juli. En forward dit mailtje alsjeblieft naar iedereen die je kent of niet kent!

Please help me out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Waterloo festival o-eight

Every year a few of my buddies organize a local street festival right in the middle of their street, named after their street, for all the people of the Waterloo street. Being held for the 6th time the weather was traditionally great, and so were the vibe and the music.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Busy Saturday Write Up

Last saturday was busy, not busy as in hectic busy, nor being stressed out busy, just busy.
After waking up way to early, being slightly hung over from the night before, another episode of the one-man-show of photography took place.
The boys at the Mustachio, better known as the Moustachaud en France and the Mustaschnurrbart in Deutschland, kept their second annual Skullcandy Railbattle event in Zoetermeer (Holland). and I had already promised Jeroen from Reload Mag I would get him a few shots for the site.
Anyway, as I already told you time wasn't really by my side, and I wanted to visit the Free Your Mind festival as early as possible, because it promised to be one of the biggest parties in ages, with great music and even greater weather. So Sweetlake was a quickie, got there, took a few shots, and left. Here's one.

Robin van Heel - Frontside boardslide
The little guys make the rail look big(ger)

After that me and Kurt hurried to Arnhem with 4 large bags of stuff (probably weighing as much as an elephant) we wouldn't use anyway. And since the bus-drivers were having their strike (per que?!) we ended up renting one bicycle for as cheap as 15 Euro's(!). Just imagine two guys plus four bags (now weighing as much as two elephants) on one bicycle covering 7 kilometers to our crashing spot to get some well deserved sleep...
Someone get me a tandem.

Derrick May - The ambassador of electronic music during the FYM festival