After waking up way to early, being slightly hung over from the night before, another episode of the one-man-show of photography took place.
The boys at the Mustachio, better known as the Moustachaud en France and the Mustaschnurrbart in Deutschland, kept their second annual Skullcandy Railbattle event in Zoetermeer (Holland). and I had already promised Jeroen from Reload Mag I would get him a few shots for the site.
Anyway, as I already told you time wasn't really by my side, and I wanted to visit the Free Your Mind festival as early as possible, because it promised to be one of the biggest parties in ages, with great music and even greater weather. So Sweetlake was a quickie, got there, took a few shots, and left. Here's one.
The little guys make the rail look big(ger)
After that me and Kurt hurried to Arnhem with 4 large bags of stuff (probably weighing as much as an elephant) we wouldn't use anyway. And since the bus-drivers were having their strike (per que?!) we ended up renting one bicycle for as cheap as 15 Euro's(!). Just imagine two guys plus four bags (now weighing as much as two elephants) on one bicycle covering 7 kilometers to our crashing spot to get some well deserved sleep...
Someone get me a tandem.
Derrick May - The ambassador of electronic music during the FYM festival
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